Thursday, November 28, 2019

A true American essays

A true American essays An American to me, is someone who is willing to fight for and defend our country, someone who will fly our flag high, without any type of indignity, someone who is honest and cares for the welfare of our people. Most of all, an American has to have pride and faith in all that our country does, participating in activities that can only improve us as a unified nation. My definition of an American is best fit by my grandfather because he is loyal, proud, and giving He is a veteran who served in two wars. He belongs to many groups that help the communities and support some unfortunate families. He also sends money monthly to funds that help crippled or disabled veterans and their families. He attends town meetings and does anything in his power to provide help or opinion in any state or town situation. My grandfather illustrates that he is proud, by flying an American flag on a pole in his back yard, and also next to his door in the front of his house, he even has a custom license plate that has an American flag on it. No matter what country he travels to, or what language he is speaking, he makes it clear to everyone around him that he his from America and dedicated to it. He believes if you are going to be all you can be, first you must do all you can to make your country all it can be, because if your country is not successful, then you have a disadvantage in the world, with technology, jobs, the economy, and even just eating healthy everyday. He also believes that anyone in need should be helped, and supported until they can get on their feet. But, he does not like the fact that people take advantage of the system. He says that if something tragic happens to someone, then anything that comes out of his pocket to help them out is well worth it, but someone who is perfectly fine to work and they still dont, then they do not deserve a dime, because they are taking away from the needy. Anyone that needs the help should...

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